- Published: 27 May 2018
- Hits: 1962
The Artistic Team of Colonial Players is soliciting volunteers to be play consultants for the upcoming and future seasons. To help increase the collaborative process, the Artistic Team is creating a register from which a director may select his or her play consultant. Those interested in being on the play consultant register may request a detailed job description and/or submit a statement of interest to the Artistic Director (AD) at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Your statement should indicate your qualifying experience and may include any additional factors relevant for consideration.
If you are interested, please contact the Artistic Director NLT June 10, 2018.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have served as a Play Consultant before and would like to be included on the register, please submit a request!
To be eligible as a play consultant, an individual must have directed a main stage musical or play at Colonial Players, be willing to participate in all phases of the production, and provide written feedback to the Artistic Director on a regular basis (via email). At a minimum, the consultant should attend auditions, a set number of rehearsals (typically at least one per week), and tech week.
Other responsibilities include:
- Become familiar with the script and playwright’s intent.
- Understand the Director’s vision and challenges in staging the show.
- Be accessible to the Director during all stages of pre-production and rehearsal process.
- Work with the Director to provide resources and ideas - such as coaching, alternative communication or asking for help from appropriate consultants - to resolve any potential problems.
All eligible play consultants will appear on the register, and each director will have the opportunity to choose who he or she would like to work with. Please note that inclusion on the register means that one is qualified to serve as a consultant, and does not guarantee selection for any individual show.