Corporate Officers
President: Mr. Oscar Fernandez
Vice President: Mrs. Richard C. Whaley
Treasurer: Mr. Lionel Brooks
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. H. Alan Wycherly
Recording Secretary: Mrs. John P. Curtis
Activities: Mrs. Leonard R. Mann
Business and Property: Mr. Paul H. Whitmore
Membership: Mrs. Lilliam Fisher
Public Relations: Mr. Ed Muth
Workshop: Mr. Ben B. Wills
Corporate Officers
President: Mr. Oscar Fernandez
Vice President: Mrs. Richard C. Whaley
Treasurer: Mr. M. R. Evans
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. J. M. (Ellen) Jones
Recording Secretary: Miss Pauline Meyer
Mrs. William Griswold
Mr. J. Fred Johnson
Miss Sally Lewis
Mr. Leonard Mann
Mr. Paul Whitmore
Corporate Officers
President: Miss Elizabeth Moss
Vice President: Mr. Oscar Fernandez
Treasurer: Mr. M. R. Evans
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Joan Doan
Recording Secretary: Mrs. Richard C. Whaley
Mr. Fred Chapman
Mr. John Farrell
Mr. Selden Lacey
Mr. Paul Whitmore
Corporate Officers
President: Miss Elizabeth Moss
Vice President: Mr. Leonard Mann
Treasurer: Mr. M. R. Evans
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Leland Smith
Recording Secretary: Miss Wathen Tyler
Mr. Oscar Fernandez
Mr. J. Fred Johnson
Dr. Julian Jurand
Mr. Selden Lacey
Mr. Edward H. Taliaferro
Miss Elizabeth Watkins
Mr. Paul Whitmore
Corporate Officers
President: Miss Elizabeth Moss
Vice President: Mrs. Lillian Fisher
Treasurer: Mrs. Manuel Schenker
Secretary: Leonard Mann
Dr. Julian Jurand
Prof. Edward H. Taliaferro
Miss Elizabeth Watkins
Mrs. Richard C. Whaley
Mr. Richard D. White, Jr.
Corporate Officers
President: Miss Elizabeth Moss
Vice President: Noah Hilman
Treasurer: Miss Patricia Kaiser
Secretary: Leonard Mann
Mrs. Lillian Fisher
Mrs. Manuel Schenker
Prof. Edward H. Taliaferro
Corporate Officers
President: Miss Elizabeth Moss
Corporate Officers
President: Miss Elizabeth Moss
Corporate Officers
President: Miss Elizabeth Moss
Corporate Officers
President: Anne Trimmer
Corporate Officers
President: Miss Elizabeth Moss
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Copyright 2025 • The Colonial Players, Inc. • 108 East Street • Annapolis, MD 21401 • Phone: 410-268-7373