- Published: 17 July 2017
- Hits: 2673
This year's One Act Festival, "Seven Shades of Gray," is sure to have something for everyone. Covering themes ranging from love to loss, self-doubt to self-confidence, and meat addiction to dinner party faux pas, 7 one acts will be presented over two weekends in alternating slates. The festival promises to provide actors with a wide variety of interesting parts and audiences with a wide variety of interesting shows. The production dates of the festival are Friday, July 28 through Sunday, August 6, 2017.
Tickets for “Seven Shades of Gray” are $10 per slate and can be purchased online at tickets.thecolonialplayers.org, or by calling the Box Office at 410-268-7373, option 2. Thursday, Friday and Saturday performances begin at 8 p.m., Sunday performances begin at 2 p.m.
This year, Colonial Players welcomes directors Bernadette Arvidson, Alex Brady, Jennifer Cooper, Brian Mellen, Erica Miller, Alicia Sweeney, and Sarah Wade! Tickets are on sale at tickets.thecolonialplayers.org and through the Box Office now. Get yours today!
The following one acts will be presented in this year’s festival:
Slate A
Performance Dates: July 28 and 30, August 5
Fourteen, a one act play by Alice Gerstenberg, directed by Sarah Wade: can Mrs. Pringle salvage her dinner party and her daughter’s chance with the city’s most eligible bachelor?
Zipless, a one act play by Ernest Thompson, directed by Alicia Sweeney: forty years in the lives of Dick and Dora.
‘dentity Crisis, a one act play by Christopher Durang, directed by Alex Brady: Jane attempts to recover from a nervous breakdown with the “help” of her family, but eventually is left with no identity at all.
Slate B
Performance Dates: July 29, August 4 and 6
If Men Played Cards as Women Do, a one act play by George Kaufman, directed by Erica Miller: a group of men at the bridge table speak, behave, and think after the manner in which women are supposed to conduct their game.
The Universal Language, a one act play by David Ives, directed by Jennifer Cooper: Dawn, a young woman with a stutter, meets Don, the creator and teacher of Unamunda, a wild comic language. A dazzling display of hysterical verbal pyrotechnics ensues.
The Person I Once Was, a one act play by Cindy Lou Johnson, directed by Bernadette Arvidson: Cat is increasingly impatient to know more of the world beyond her small Kentucky town.
Quiche Isn't Sexy , a one act play by Gabrielle Davis, directed by Brian Mellen: a recovering burger addict meets a recovering lamb addict at Meat Eaters Anonymous...but will they stick to vegetarianism?