- Published: 10 September 2014
- Hits: 2487
The Colonial Players is hosting a post-show discussion for Rocket Man in the theatre immediately after the matinee performance on Sunday, September 21, 2014, at approximately 4:30 p.m. This serious comedy/drama, rich with existential overtones, will take audiences down their own roads not taken, exploring alternative universes and worlds where lifelines move backwards, and nudging them as only theater can, into introspective musings on action, family, and life.
Please join the cast, crew, and director as they discuss the play’s characters, themes, and issues introduced in the play. The post-show event is free and open to the public so please join us for this enlightening discussion! You do not need to attend the matinee performance to attend the discussion. For questions about the event, contact The Colonial Players Director of Education at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..