2025 01 colonial players logo

Alabama Story

Bump Auditions Audition dates for our Season 76 production of Bump have been announced. Click here for details.
Students Go Free at CP Students can see shows for free at CP! Click here for details!
The Beth and Dick Whaley Memorial 2024-2025 Scholarship The Colonial Players is pleased to announce the Beth & Dick Whaley 2024-2025 Memorial Scholarship. Click here for application details!
Season 77 Announcement Season 77 has been chosen! Click here for details. 

The Marketing Team is recruiting volunteers to put together our information packets for reviewers who come to our shows, to distribute show postcards to area coffee shops, restaurants, and the Visitor's Bureau, and to attend local Chamber of Commerce and other community meetings as a representative. If you are interested in these or other opportunities on the Marketing Team, please contact Beverly van Joolen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

REVIEWER PACKETS: Generate a one-page letter to the reviewers for each show, thanking them for coming, telling them some fun facts about the show and production process, and sharing information on any upcoming events. The letter goes into a folder with a program, show postcard, and any other relevant material for the reviewers to pick up when they arrive to attend a performance. These packets are delivered to the Box Office before opening night of each production.

PRINT MEDIA DISTRIBUTION: Distribute show postcards and rack cards to Annapolis coffee shops, diners, restaurants, the Chamber of Commerce, and anywhere a business will let us leave our marketing information.

COMMUNITY LIAISON: Attend business, Chamber of Commerce, and other local community organizations to represent The Colonial Players.