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Students Go Free at CP Students can see shows for free at CP! Click here for details!
Season 77 Announcement Season 77 has been chosen! Click here for details. 

Hello dear readers, and Happy Holidays...

2013 11 annie logoAs I write this, I think I can unofficially declare that Colonial Players is in the midst of one of its most successful shows in its history. Well, at least in the history of when I've been doing stuff here. I have never seen an entire performance added to the schedule so as to accommodate the high demand for tickets. So, at least with what I'm qualified to comment about, Annie is the most successful show since November 2006. Either way, that ain't bad.

As Annie closes, there will be a stretch of December where the theatre will be dark. Indeed, we won't return again until January 10, 2014, when we will present Coyote on a Fence. Yours truly has a small role in that one, and while it's a wonderful show that takes an insightful look at capital punishment in our society, it's a 180-degree turn from Annie and is most certainly for adult audiences. There is ample usage of F-words and racial epithets, and it also includes a few phrases that make me, as a graduate of Virginia Military Institute (the naughty word capital of the United States), blush. So, just to get this out there now, the producers recommend this show only for those over 18 or for very mature teens with parental supervision.

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