- Published: 28 June 2012
- Hits: 9307
New Treasurer and Secretary Appointed
The Board of directors is excited to welcome our former secretary, Kaelynn Miller (left), into a new capacity as our treasurer, filling the term through June of 2014. The board is also pleased to welcome newcomer-to-the-board, Jo Sullivan (right), seen at Colonial Players most recently as Jennie in our February production of Chapter Two, as our new Secretary replacing the vacancy left by Kaelynn.
In our challenge to find a new treasurer following the completion of former treasurer Herb Elkin's second term, Kaelynn stepped up to the task and agreed to leave her position as secretary to assume the role of treasurer. Kaelynn was most recently seen on Colonial Players' stage as Ms. Poppenguhl in our June production of Moonlight and Magnolias and has served on the Board of Directors as secretary since 2011. We thank Kaelynn for her bravery and willingness to fill this critical role in our organization. Our former treasurer, Herb, will still be visible behind the scenes assisting Kaelynn with the transition as well as providing guidance to ensure we continue to operate efficiently from a financial perspective. The Board of Directors would like to thank Herb immensely for his service over the past four years and for his continued support of our organization.
A transplant from New York City, Jo Sullivan has been working in community theater most of her life with most of her performances in and around New York City. For 12 years, you could find Jo performing everything from Viola in Twelfth Night and other summer Shakespeare productions to Alice in You Can’t Take it With You. When she’s not looking for opportunities in theater, Jo serves as Interim Executive Director for UNHCR US, the UN agency supporting refugees globally. It’s a humbling experience and keeps her grounded in daily life knowing how millions of people struggle to exist every day. Prior to UNHCR, Jo was the Executive Vice President of External Affairs for the ASPCA headquartered in New York City. She has a passion and weak spot for animals and spent a decade helping to elevate the plight of homeless pets in the U.S. Currently she shares her home, sofa, bed, bathroom, meals and car with two rescue critters: Marlena “the little black and brown dog” and Hank the hound. There is sometimes room for her patient and kind husband, but that’s usually after the dogs have settled and claimed their spot. [Excerpted from Jo's Chapter Two bio.]
Again, the Board of Directors welcomes both Kaelynn Miller and Jo Sullivan to their new positions. We are excited about working together in the upcoming season! Kaelynn can be contacted directly by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Jo can be contacted directly by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Administrative Note: Kaelynn Miller was appointed to the position of Treasurer by President Terry Averill and confirmed by majority vote of the Board of Directors as prescribed by Article V, Section B.1.(a) of the Colonial Players Bylaws. Jo Sullivan was appointed to fill the remainder of the vacant term of Secretary by President Terry Averill and confirmed by majority vote of the Board of Directors as prescribed by Article V, Section D.2. of the Colonial Players Bylaws.