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Alabama Story

Bump Auditions Audition dates for our Season 76 production of Bump have been announced. Click here for details.
Students Go Free at CP Students can see shows for free at CP! Click here for details!
The Beth and Dick Whaley Memorial 2024-2025 Scholarship The Colonial Players is pleased to announce the Beth & Dick Whaley 2024-2025 Memorial Scholarship. Click here for application details!
Season 77 Announcement Season 77 has been chosen! Click here for details. 

Summer One Act

Directing/Producing Festival

Director/Producer Workshop - April 14, 2012
One Act Performances - July 19 - 29, 2012

If you’ve ever considered directing but didn’t think you had enough experience, or if you’ve directed but not for theatre in the round, here’s your chance to test the waters! Colonial Players is hosting a Director/Producer’s Workshop and One Act Play Festival this spring and summer. Both aspiring directors and experienced directors new to Colonial Players are invited to attend the workshop, and we are soliciting both published and new one-act scripts for the festival. All potential directors applying to direct a one-act play in the festival are required to attend the workshop. A slate of eight to ten plays (depending on their length) will be produced over the two weekends between July 19 and July 29, 2012.

The Director/Producer Workshop will be held on Saturdays, April 14, 2012 at the Colonial Players Theatre from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the workshop, experienced directors, producers, and guest speakers will cover all aspects of producing a show on CP’s stage. The one act festival will provide a hands-on lab experience for both the directors chosen to direct one of the scripts and those who volunteer to work on the shows. Each director chosen will be provided with support and mentoring by a Play Consultant. Workshop attendees who are not assigned a festival script are encouraged to volunteer as crew for the festival. The information offered in the Workshop is also pertinent to individuals interested in the role of Producer for Colonial Players.

To register for the Director/Producer’s Workshop or if you want to submit a play for consideration, please contact Artistic Director Carol Youmans at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 410-263-5625. The deadline for play submissions is February 15, 2012. Applications to direct a script in the One-Act Festival are available on our Downloads page under the heading Forms. Potential directors should also submit a resume of their theatrical experience. Applications to direct must be submitted by March 5, 2012. Registration for the workshop is on-going.

Colonial Players is located at 108 East Street, Annapolis, MD. For more information about volunteering, auditions, becoming a member, our theatre, and to buy tickets for our shows, please browse the rest of our website. To purchase a 10-Ticket Flex Pass, contact the Box Office at (410) 268-7373.

UPDATE 2 Mar 2012: The director workshop has been reduced to one day from two. The workshop will occur on April 14th only, as corrected in the article above.