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Alabama Story

Bump Auditions Audition dates for our Season 76 production of Bump have been announced. Click here for details.
Students Go Free at CP Students can see shows for free at CP! Click here for details!
The Beth and Dick Whaley Memorial 2024-2025 Scholarship The Colonial Players is pleased to announce the Beth & Dick Whaley 2024-2025 Memorial Scholarship. Click here for application details!
Season 77 Announcement Season 77 has been chosen! Click here for details. 

OffBook: The Road I Have Traveled

Dear Off Book Readers,

Pat Reynolds did a fantastic job of launching OffBook for Colonial Players! However, following this, his sixth installment, Pat is stepping down for personal reasons. Many thanks to Pat for getting OffBook started and we wish him all the best as he moves ahead with his next endeavors! To read Pat's special last installment, The Road I Have Traveled, click here: more

If you've enjoyed reading OffBook and think you'd like to take a shot at writing it, send us a 100-300 word sample blog to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.! Guidelines for content and deadlines are as follows:

To apply for this volunteer gig, please e-mail a sample first blog of between 100 - 300 words, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2012. Style your sample blog according to the guidelines below.

THE GOAL: OffBook is meant to stimulate conversation about and interest in all things "theatrical" - including but not limited to... history, actors, directors, designers, crew, writers, audience, production, method, process, current events, funding for the arts, public policy, new plays and playwrights, reviews of national shows, theatre's affect on every day life, why spend money and time on theatre and the arts, theatre's impact on the world historically and today, and theatre styles and traditions from around the world, etc.

General OffBook guidelines are below. If you have any questions, contact Beverly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


CONTENT: There really is no limitation to content so long as the main focus relates in some way to theatre and the human (and often specifically to CP/Annapolis) condition, with your thoughts and experiences woven into the main topic. In addition, content must not contain language that the editor deems offensive, libelous, or hurtful to any specific individual, organization, or group.


Minimum of 100 words. Suggested Maximum is 300 words, but is flexible at the Editor's discretion.

Hook the reader with an anecdote, quote, or theory/question.

Focusing on that hook, share your views, observations, thoughts, information, research, and experiences to inspire dialogue and feedback.

Wrap up with a challenge, an idea, a suggestion, a moral of the story, an opinion...a conclusion that leaves the reader eager to find out more, to try out an idea, to comment on or to further discuss what you've just exposed them to.

PROCESS: Blogger submits first draft to Editor for content review, if modifications are made or suggested, Blogger reviews/makes changes, Editor reviews and once cleared, sends to final grammar/spelling edits before publishing.

DEADLINES: 1st Draft is due on or before the 15th of each month. Final draft to be completed for publication on the 1st of each month.